The world is very different from the one our ancestors roamed. Soil has become depleted in minerals which means the plants we eat are not as nutrient rich as they use to be. Environmental pollution also has a detrimental effect on the plants as they grow. If you also think about the fruit or vegetables being stored (nutrients start to break down as soon as the produce is harvested) and transported to the shops, you can easily see how the fruit and vegetables we buy in the shops are less able to support the nutritional demands of our bodies – even if we try to eat healthily.
Those who are regular juicers will know the value of juicing to get nutrient dense juices packed with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. However, plants don’t supply large quantities of every nutrient we need, so deficiency can result. That is why I recommend a vitamin and mineral supplement. One of the best I have found is Multi-Xtra by a company called XtendLife.
One of the reasons I like this product is that it is a natural vitamin supplement and the nutrients in it are the best natural forms and not created in a laboratory (from petrochemicals) like some other vitamin supplements. Although the higher quality ingredients are more expensive than the cheaper ones used in rival products, Xtendlife have kept the price of this product very competitive.
Xtendlife have ensured that not only the essential vitamins and minerals are included, but also the co-factors that those nutrients need to be effective. In addition, the tablets contain no gluten, dairy, peanut or shellfish so should be safe for people who suffer from allergies for those.
In 2 tablets of Multi-Xtra, you get the following vitamins (percentages in brackets after the vitamin represents the % daily recommended does:
vitamin A (100%), vitamin C (262%), vitamin D3 (125%), vitamin E (333%), vitamin K2 (225%), Thiamin (667%), Riboflavin (588%), Niacin (135%), vitamin B6 (400%), Folic Acid (75%), vitamin B12 (417%), Biotin (133%), Pantothenic acid (400%).
In addition to these vitamins, Multi-Xtra contains the following minerals:
calcium (6%), iodine (100%), magnesium (16%), zinc (60%), selenium (143%), copper (5%), manganese (100%), chromium (88%), Molybdenum (85%) and potassium (1%).
Two tablets also contain:
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) – a naturally occurring substance used in pain relief, anti-inflammatory. It works by making cell membrane more permeable for better transport across the cell. Deficiency of MSM can lead to a lot of problems.
Choline bitartrate – prevents accumulation of fats in the liver. Required for good health of nerves, kidneys and liver.
Inositol – involved with brain neurotransmitters and deficiency may lead to depression.
PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) – healthy skin and intestinal health by stimulating gut bacteria to produce folic acid. Also used in formation of red blood cells.
Soy lecithin – contains a phospholipid that is a major component of lecithin. Also required to produce acetyl choline (major neurotransmitter).
Alfalfa extract – is a diuretic but also helps with kidney, bladder, prostate health.
Amylase & Bromelain – digestive enzymes
Lycopene . a carotenoid (red pigment that gives tomatoes their color) that may help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Used in the treatment of prostate cancer and asthma.
Plus: Rutin, Piperine, Tocotrienol/tocopherol complex (a form of vitamin E which improves the potency of the normal vitamin E), Boron, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Horsetail extract, mineral sea salts (providing some trace elements), Green tea extract & Betain HCL.
Each bottle of Multi-Xtra contains 60 tablets which equates to a months supply if you take their recommended does of 2 per day.
Where to Buy Multi-Xtra?
You can buy Multi-Xtra here on the Xtendlife website.
NOTE: Multi-Xtend is intended for people of 12 years and up.
Total Balance
While Multi-Xtra is a very complete supplement, Xtendlife have an even more comprehensive range of supplements called Total Balance which have formulas specifically for men, women and children. Total balance includes everything in Multi-Xtra, plus ingredients to specifically support male or female health (depending on the Total Health you buy), more digestive enzyme, ingredients to stimulate the immune system, eye health, amino acids, and a whole stack of other stuff. Rather than list all the ingredients here, you can see a comparison chart of the different versions of Total Balance (the table also includes Multi-Xtra so you can compare).
Click here to see the Total Balance / Multi-Xtra comparison table.