Quinoa has more nutrients when eaten uncooked.

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Quinoa has been used for thousands of years in it’s native Andes Mountains of South America.  It can be used in the same way you would use rice.  It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, but these vary depending on whether it’s cooked or uncooked.  I wanted to briefly compare the two so you can see how much better uncooked Quinoa is for its nutrient load.

NOTE: I am only going to show the nutrient if the quinoa has more than 10% of our daily recommended dose:


Nutrient 1 Cup Uncooked Quncoa 1 Cup Cooked Quinoa
Vitamin E 21%  
Thiamin 41% 13%
Riboflavin 32% 12%
Niacin 13%  
Vitamin B6 41% 11%
Folate (folic acid) 78% 19%
Pantothenic acid 13%  
Iron 43% 15%
Magnesium 84% 30%
Phosphorus 78%  
Potassium 27%  
Zinc 35% 13%
Copper 50% 18%
Manganese 173% 58%
Selenium 21%  


Data was taken from Self Nutrition Data website.  Follow these links for the specific pages on their site:
Cooked, and Uncooked Quinoa.

About Andy Williams

In a processed food culture, simply eating may not be enough. Dr. Andy Williams is a scientist with a strong interest in Juicing and how it can supply the body with the nutrients it needs to thrive in modern society. You can subscribe to his free daily paper called Juicing The Rainbow and follow him on Facebook orTwitter.

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