Fruit & Vegetables

This section of the site lists all of the fruits and vegetables you can use in your juicing, together with details on the nutrients they supply and the health benefits they offer.

Asparagus officinalis

Asparagus officinalis is a delicious sprout that has been prized for millennia for its medicinal and amorous properties. This article looks at the health benefits of Asparagus.


Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Find out in this article.


Turmeric grows under the ground as a rhizome. It’s active ingredient, curcumin, has a lot of health benefits.


Triticum aestivum (wheatgrass) is typically sold in tablet, liquid or capsule form as a dietary supplement. It is also frequently employed in juicing, as an addition to smoothies or used to make tea. It belongs to the family Poaceae and is the very young grass, between seven to eleven inches […]


In the same family as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Kale, cabbage comes in a few common varieties, like white, red and Savoy.
In Roman times, vinegar soaked cabbage was used before drinking too much alcohol as a hangover prevention therapy. Cabbage was also used as a food source for soldiers, as well as a wrapping for their wounds to reduce infection.
Cabbage is a good source of several vitamins including K and C, but also supplies good dietary fibre and glucosinolates compounds (which have anti-cancer properties). It also contains essential minerals like manganese, iron, potassium and magnesium.
A number of antioxidants are also present, making cabbage a very healthy addition to your diet.


The watermelon grows on vines on the ground. A member of the Cucurbitaceae family, the watermelon shares a relationship with melons but it is not a member of the same genus Cucumis. Watermelons, species Citrullus lanatus, belong to the genius Citrullus.The scientific name is obtained from Greek and Latin roots. […]


Turnips belong to the species Brassica rapa. Brassicsa is cabbage in Latin, and rapa translates to turnip. The ancient Roman author used the words ‘rapa’, ‘napus’ to depict long, round or flat turnips. According to Middle-Ages English, ‘napus’ became ‘naep’ in Anglo-Saxon, and combined with the word turn (‘made round’) […]


According to botanical references, the tomato is a berry since it develops from a single ovary. Originally it was named after the family it was a member of, Solanaceae, also referred to as “solenoid” and at times as “nightshade”. However the original botanical name has been replaced with Lycopersicon esculentum. […]


The strawberry is unique in that its seeds are on the outside.  It is technically not a true fruit. It is actually an enlarged receptacle of the plant’s flower, otherwise known as a ‘false fruit’. The plant hails from the Rosaceae family belonging to the genus Fragaria and is related […]


A member of the Amaranthaceae family, spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a flowering edible plant. The low growing plant has leaves that approximately resemble a spade. It is available in three main types, the savoy variety with crinkly leaves, the flat-leafed, and semi-savoy varieties with flatter leaves. If allowed to grow […]


Rubus Idaeus (red raspberries), and Rubus Occidentalis (black raspberries) are a delicately sweet fruit belonging to the Rosaceae family. The raspberry plant requires nominal maintenance and provides ample amounts of fruit. A row of raspberry plants ten feet long can provide sufficient fresh fruit to enjoy during the in-season, with […]


The edible root vegetable, Raphanus sativus or more commonly known as the radish belongs to the Brassicaceae family. The radish is derived from the Latin word “radix” meaning “root”, while the biological name Raphanus means “quickly appearing”, a reference to their speed of germination. Radishes are widely available around the […]


Pineapple or Ananas comosus, is member of the bromeliad family indigenous to South America. Pineapple develops on a plant that remains fairly close to the ground. Each plant yields only one pineapple. Technically the pineapple is not a single fruit but a sorosis; a mass of a hundred or more […]


Pears come in a large number of varieties but all belong to the Rosaceae family along with roses and fruits like apricots, apples, cherries, peaches, raspberries to name a few. The variety of pears most commonly found in U.S and Europe are known as Pyrus communis. This variety has a […]


Parsley is a herb belonging to the Apiaceae family, with a biological name Petroselinum crispum. It is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region and naturalized all over Europe. The first part of its name is derived from the Greek word Petrose meaning rock, due to its inclination to […]


Oranges do not exist in the wild; they are products of cross breeding tangerines with the “Chinese grapefruit” the pomelo. They are the greatest grown quantity of citrus fruits around the world. The outer orange coloured skin is known as the epicarp while the spongy white mesocarp lies just beneath. […]


Mint is valued all over the world for its menthol scent and taste. It provokes an invigorating effect on the senses, and is commonly employed in cooking to add flavour to dishes, and as a garnish for desserts. It is also commonly used in medicine, aromatherapy, and commercial goods like […]


Allium cepa, commonly known as the onion, belongs to the Alliaceae family along with shallots, chives, and garlic. It was previously classified incorrectly and grouped in the Amaryllidaceae family, whose members include daffodils, amaryllis and various other plants with bulbs. The onion plant is made up of superficial roots attached […]