Recharging Lettuce Juice
Lettuce has been known since ancient times for its purifying and refreshing benefits. In modern times, lettuce has become a well loved ingredient in green juices.
Lettuce has been known since ancient times for its purifying and refreshing benefits. In modern times, lettuce has become a well loved ingredient in green juices.
This, not so common an ingredient in the U.S, is a delicious option for juicing with a flavor that is a cross between an apple and a potato. Rich in nutrients, its juice compliments a range of flavors.
The Jerusalem artichoke can never achieve star status in juicing recipes due to its bland taste; it does however make an exceptional additive so you can take full advantage of its valuable nutrients.
Grapefruit is claimed to be a fruit of “paradise” due to the unique health-enhancing and disease fighting properties it possesses. A versatile gem, its peels are used as garnish for dishes while the fruit itself may be juiced or enjoyed whole.
Frequently called “poor man’s meat”, this fat-free, nutrient rich food should really be called “healthy man’s meat”. The tiny beans hidden inside an edible pod provide a wealth of health benefits.
Sweet nutty flavor and delicate in aroma, figs are loaded with calcium, fiber and antioxidants. A fig smoothie makes for the perfect breakfast drink or a replenishing mid-day snack.
Not many people drink vegetable juices for their taste, but there is no denying of the benefits offered by the elixir made with a variety of beautifully blended vegetables spiked with garlic. In fact, according to folk medicine garlic was believed to have been the an elixir for everything from the Plague to the common cold.
Grapes blend pleasantly with most other fruits and add an appetizing flavour to green smoothies also. Consumption of grapes offers numerous health benefits with studies associating them to prevention of serious diseases like cardiovascular disorders, cancer and elevated blood pressure.
Ginger is a popular herb with important culinary and medicinal value. It holds a special place in Chinese and Indian medicines due to its unique phytochemicals with health enhancing properties.
Regardless of the fact that most people hate to see dandelions growing in their yards, this little plant has some very potent health benefits.
It is said that when it comes to juicing you can’t go wrong with fennel. Its anti-fungal and bacterial characteristics combined with sweet taste make it a good juice to have on a regular basis.
Cucumbers are at times referred to as super-foods due to the wealth of vital nutrients they provide. They are low in calories and contain 96% water, making them the ideal choice for people wishing to lose weight.
Cranberries are an essential component for all-round wellbeing. They are especially rich in the antioxidants, proanthocyanidin and numerous other chemical substances that offer protection against a wide array of ailments.
Carrots are a source of many essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Its rich supply of antioxidants and vital nutrients offer cardiovascular benefits along with anti-cancer benefits.
While cauliflower is the least nutrient rich member of the cruciferous family, its unique blend of anti-cancerous and anti-inflammatory micro-nutrients make it a must have juice. It should be consumed on a rotational basis with other members of the family.
Coriander (seeds) and Cilantro (the green leaves and stems) is a potent herb with a wide range of health benefits. It is also one of the very limited numbers of herbs used for heavy metal detoxification, like mercury, lead, aluminium and cadmium and others.
Celery juice is a very hydrating food. It is also alkalizing and balances the body’s pH which is an essential component for good health. During ancient times celery was considered to be a medicinal herb useful for treating different health issues.
Broccoli is packed with nutrients, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants. It is also highly valued for its abundance of anti-viral, anti-ulcer and anti-cancer activities, in addition to its natural ability to cleanse the liver. This easily available vegetable is loaded with goodness that offers an inexpensive to remain healthy.
Brussels sprouts, like other members of the same family are known for their immunity-promoting and anti-cancer properties. Drinking the juice ensures that the maximum amount of nutrients are absorbed by the body. The juice is best consumed as soon as possible after extraction as allowing it to sit in the air will deplete some of the health building components.
When people consider healthy fruits, cantaloupe typically does not come to mind. This is unfortunate because the diversity of nutrients provided by a cantaloupe is a major health factor overlooked by most people.